Scripture Mastery - a Historical Perspective

Unfortunately, today is our last day of seminary for this week. We do not have seminary tomorrow since there is no school. So since Scripture Mastery Day is being held at the Stake on Saturday, we had a "Friday" day today, playing scripture mastery games.
There are a lot of things which went "right" this year, working with these kids. Yet I still managed to leave something out!
Whereas we learned the historical perspectives in The Book of Mormon, I'm not so sure I attached those backgrounds/perspectives strongly enough to our scripture mastery games as we went through. Something perhaps others have done better. I hope so. :0)
So as we played our games today, I worked to incorporate more historical clues like,
"After having been called of God and ordained by Nephi, Jacob taught the Nephite people...."(from the Historical Setting on the scripture mastery card for 2 Nephi 9:28-29) I paused, THEN I added the rest,
"...that to obtain knowledge is good if you follow the counsel of God."Perhaps every other seminary teacher does this perfectly, but not me! I worked so hard this year to try to teach with the spirit, have the kids dive deeply into the scriptures, to help them develop deep knowledge of the gospel and of the Lord's love, but left out this part of scripture mastery chases that will be used at Scripture Mastery Day at the stake on Saturday.
Oh, well! I guess we can't do it all! We do the best we know and seek to do better. :0)
Happy teaching everyone!
Seminary Mom